I really like this watch. I was trying to decide why I would get this watch vs. any other ovulation kit on the market and basically - I've figured out that the KEY benefit of this watch is that it tells you your 4-5 FERTILE days, BEFORE you Ovulate. The other ovulation kits on the market only tell you when you ovulate and at that time, you're just ending your fertile period. In order to get pregnant - you have to time it with the fertile period. That is why people have reviewed this so highly.
A few more tips - the sensors dry out and say your skin is too dry - I found that lifting the watch up off your skin a little bit and breathing a hot breath (the kind you'd do when you'd clean your glasses) on the sensor will make it work perfectly each time - the manual doesn't tell you this!
Once it says you are fertile, you don't really have to wear the watch anymore... you just will know from that day - through the next week to be safe, is your fertile period. Also - order the extra sensors when you order the watch because by the time you get your period (if you are not pregnant) you've got to have the sensor on hand in order to start the next cycle on the 1, 2 or 3rd day of your period... not enough time to order off Amazon again! I've been through my 3rd cycle with this watch now and no luck on getting pregnant.... yet....Get more detail about The OV-Watch Sensor Pack (1 Sensor Pack).
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