I got a false positive with one of the tests (not the other two in the box). I know people say false positives are highly unlikely, but it happened- even my husband saw it and agreed that it was a positive. I was 2 weeks late, took these tests, got a positive but just couldn't believe it, took the other 2 tests and they were negative. Still wasn't sure so I later went and bought my favorite brand, First Response, which is the brand I used when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I got very clear negatives with the First Response. I was only late because I've been irregular since having my daughter. AF came and I'm DEFINATELY NOT pregnant.
What I think happened is either the test was defective or I mistook an evaporation line for a positive, which is easier to do with blue line tests.
I recommend going with pink lined tests because they're more vivid and easy to read. Of course you could always go with the digital, but I heard about false positives with the Clearblue Easy brand of those, too, so regardless of which tests you go with you may want to play it safe and stay away from Clearblue. And as an interesting side note, I found out that E.P.T. tests are pretty much the exact same as the Clearblue Easy.
I'm sticking with First Response from now on!First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, 3 testsGet more detail about Clearblue Easy Pregnancy Test 3 tests [Health and Beauty].
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