Fertile XX should not be used if you get pregnant. While Vitex and ginseng will not cause a miscarriage, the black cohosh can. Black cohosh is an Emmenagogue herb. It causes uterine contractions and can dislodge a fertilized egg off the lining of your uterus.
If you have some what regular cycles and normal hormones as far as you know, you should stay away from all herbal fetility supplements. I made the mistake of believing natural is safe, but this is not true. Herbs are very powerful, just as powerful as man-made fertility drugs.
If you are having trouble with your cycles or achieving pregnancy I urge you to seek the advice of a qualified herbalist. Look in the phone book under "herbs" or "vitamins". I didn't think I had one near me, but was surprised to fine out I do.
Vitex is great for your hormones and for your fertility. It works best with other herbs, but not with black cohosh because if you get pregnant while using it, you may unknowingly terminate your pregnancy. A herbalist made up a fertility supplement for me using vitex, licorice, peony root, and black haw- all of which should be stopped once pregnancy is confirmed, but are not harmful to the fetus. Feel free to check out this site for more info on this. Best of luck!
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