I bought this saliva microscope because it had higher magnification and multiple slides for past viewing. I think those are really going to come in handy.
I am really pleased with it so far. It's very easy to use, though the directions definitely leave something to be desired. When looking into it, look into the circle of light and not around it. You definitely can't use it after eating or drinking anything, or nothing will show up on the slide. I tried that yesterday, just for kicks.
But... this morning, I licked the slide, let it dry for 10 minutes, and put it under the scope. The crystal patterns showed up clear as day. It was pretty amazing, actually. Using the dial on the side let me focus in and out, and the picture was really clear.
I thought this method of tracking ovulation was some sort of gimmic at first, like hair curling shampoo or something, until I talked to a microbiologist friend who'd used it. Basically, you're looking at salt crystal patterns. More estrogen= more salt. Tracking the changes in the patterns of estrogen rising and falling is what you're doing with this. I'm really excited about getting started.
I think this product is wonderful for anyone with irregular cycles. You could do the same thing with a microscope, but its hard to carry one around with you everywhere you go. This is small and comes with its own carrying case and little pouch for the slides. Get more detail about Fertility Tracker - Saliva Ovulation Test.
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